


Weapon Types:


Your standard weapon, depending on your Class it is either 75x500mm (Heavy Tank) 50x441mm (Medium Tank) or 40x290mm (Light Tank)

it comes also with a Coax MG, 7.92x54mm AP and a Laser Bolter Cartridge (infinte ammo)

and you can cycle different ammo types for it, some of these ammo types have a secondary firing mode

Multi Purpose Device

This weapon will be used to repair/rig buildings and reclaiming resources

Grenade Pods

Tear Gas: used to distract enemy

Explosive: kills infantry with explosion

Illuminating: it lights up the area in a large radius

4x7.92x54mm Machine Gun

It will shred infantrys and aircrafts with ease

2x20mm Auto Cannon

It has a high fire rate and is capable of destroying infantrys and lighty armored vehicles

Sludge Cannon

It has multiple firing mode, capable of launching blobs and streaming gasses

Ammo Types: Acid/Toxin, Ice, Fire